The Sleep Center

Sleep Story - Facts For Better Sleep

What are some sleep facts to help me get better sleep?

The most important factor for getting better sleep is having a comfortable mattress and pillow. If these key elements are not right, your sleep will suffer. It's essential to solve this in order to get the best sleep night after night. Be sure that your mattress and foundation meet your needs for comfort and support. If you sleep with a partner, your mattress should also allow enough space to move easily. A good mattress will provide many years of quality sleep. The local mattress experts at The Sleep Center can provide guidance on today’s top mattresses to maximize your home comfort.

Once you have the correct sleep system for restorative sleep, you will realize the importance of creating the right sleep-conducive environment. It's not just about the bed, but also about the surroundings. People need certain elements set in place to fall asleep and stay asleep. Light is one of the body's most powerful time cues. A dark room is the most conducive for sleep – day or night. Sudden, loud noises from inside or outside the home can disrupt sleep. Steady, low sounds, such as the whir of a fan or air conditioner, are soothing because they help block out distracting noises.

The ideal bedroom temperature is 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 18 degrees Celsius). A room that's too warm or too cool can disrupt comfortable sleep. But it's not just about the temperature, it's also about the routine. Establishing a regular, relaxing bedtime routine, such as soaking in a hot bath or hot tub, then reading a book, or listening to soothing music, is a key to winding down your body and preparing it for a good night's sleep. When you sleep great you feel great. And your body will thank you all day long.

Finish eating at least two to three hours before your regular bedtime. This will give your body time to digest your food and lower your risk of indigestion. Make sleep your focus towards bedtime. Stop by The Sleep Center in Pensacola, Florida to have a full discussion on all of these sleep facts and more. We're here for you.

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